A modern office with green facades that symbolises social responsibility and sustainable action at AirPlus.

Natural responsibility

Great payment solutions come with great responsibility. We constantly look for ways to live up to it with the healthiest and most sustainable business practices – for the environment, our customers, partners, and employees, and all along the value chain. Our climate-friendly solution suite, our social commitments around the world – it's what we care about and how we plan to meet the needs for a sustainable future in payment tech.

Accountability takes teamwork

We choose business relationships that help us hold each other accountable.

All of our partners along the value chain – from new suppliers to technical support – must meet and maintain our sustainable principles and make measurable progress toward our goals.

We also practice what we preach. While we constantly monitor our partners, we have to meet their diverse sustainability demands on us as a supplier as well. The result puts us ahead of the curve. Our internal risk management system, for instance, complies to far stricter financial industry standards than legally required.

Sustainable solutions at the digital cutting edge

A woman stands in a mountainous landscape holding a potted plant. She epitomises AirPlus' commitment to sustainability and environmental protection as part of its corporate responsibility.

Ecofriendly product suite

All of our solutions are certified ecofriendly by myclimate’s Impact Label. We offset all of our remaining carbon footprint through a climate protection project that reduces greenhouse gases and contributes to the UN’s sustainable development goals. With ambitious emissions-saving measures and smarter processes, we've never worked so hard to reduce our footprint.

  • 1st climate-friendly product in the financial services industry (AirPlus Company Account) earning myclimate's 2015 “Pioneer for Sustainable Financial Products in the Travel Industry”
  • Our AirPlus Green Reports provide your flight emissions calculation for your CSR reporting. Emissions are automatically calculated for every flight paid with the AirPlus Company Account

Digital payment experience

  • Paperless contracting, onboarding, service, and communication touchpoints
  • Way beyond PDFs... We offer fully digital integration of a huge amount of billing formats into whatever accounting system you need
  • We’re not alone... 95% of our customers use our digital invoicing process

1st movers on trends we believe in

  • We keep a close eye on positive developments and work to bring them to our industry
  • A quarterly project analyzes customer flight data for travel trends
  • We run regular executive surveys on sustainability and business travel in our major markets

Change starts with us

Colleagues walk down an office staircase together. The image symbolizes the open and collaborative company culture as well as AirPlus' commitment to a supportive work environment.

A close community

Everything we do for the greater good is based on the value we place on individual people and cultures. Besides regular blood drives across our offices, we have a special relationship with the local organization Zwerg Nase, a home for 70 children with severe disabilities, and recently organized collection drives for those affected by the war in Ukraine. In France, our team sources office supplies from an organization that specially employs people with disabilities and participates annually in the Imagine for Margo race that funds childhood cancer research. Farther from home, we deliver care packages to Kenyan communities in need through the Mickey + Mwarambo African Kids Care organization, for which our employees create and sell cookbooks to fund school fees, supplies, clothing, and basic needs.

A man and a woman look into the distance together, smiling.

A healthy home

A good day at work starts on the way there. We encourage alternatives to the standard car commute with subsidized train and bus tickets. Once you’ve made it to the office, AirPlus HQ is completely powered by locally provided, certified green electricity. Throughout the workday, we keep it resource-friendly with office policies like reduced paper consumption, conscious water and electricity use, and toner and ink cartridge recycling. And we ask the same of our suppliers, holding them to set high standards of environmental conduct.

All remaining unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions caused by our business processes are compensated by select climate protection projects with our partner myclimate, which calculates our footprint and holds us rigorously accountable. Our most recent reforestation effort will store 300 tons of CO2 over the project’s lifespan.

Insights into the work environment at AirPlus: A modern office space where employees collaborate and exchange ideas, representing AirPlus' commitment to a positive work climate.

A happy team

Celebrating diversity comes naturally for our 60 nationalities and 56% female workforce. Our commitment is to the best employee experience and to broadening opportunities. People come for the great opportunities, competitive salaries and benefits, and they stay for the lasting wellbeing and job satisfaction. What else do you expect from flexible hours, remote work, sabbaticals, and a comprehensive health program that includes our own gym, professional massages, mental health seminars, and health days.

Join us!

AirPlus corporate social responsibility report

We are proud of our work in the areas of sustainability and social responsibility. Feel free to take a look at our latest corporate social responsibility reports for an overview of our overall commitment.

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